
Advanced Modes of Ventilation- Learn with the Experts- A Discussion with Dr. Nishant Kumar

21st March, 2023
06:00 PM
Advanced Modes of Ventilation- Learn with the Experts- A Discussion with Dr. Nishant Kumar


Critical care nurses should understand the concepts of ventilation as it can influence morbidity and mortality in the ICU environment. Approaches to optimal MV management are constantly being evaluated and refined. In the past decade, ventilators have become more sophisticated, and now can respond to patient-initiated breaths while modifying both pressure and volume in response to changing pulmonary dynamics. Join us in this session to learn more about the advanced modes of ventilation.


Dr. Nishant Kumar

Dr. Nishant Kumar

MBBS, DA, DNB, MNAMS. Profeessor, Depart Of Anaesthesiology at Lady Hardinge Medical College & Associated Hospitals.