
How to wear Double mask and medical masking in COVID ERA, Importance of double masking, CMAAO

18th August, 2021
09:30 AM
How to wear Double mask and medical masking in COVID ERA, Importance of double masking, CMAAO


CMAAO Meeting on How to wear Double mask and medical masking in COVID ERA, Importance of double masking, CMAAO


Dr. Mulazim Hussain Bukhari

Dr. Mulazim Hussain Bukhari

Prof of Pathology and Head of the Department in University College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Lahore

Dr. Ravi Naidu

Dr. Ravi Naidu

Past President, Malaysian Medical Association

Dr. Benito  Atienza

Dr. Benito Atienza

Pediatrician Pediatrics Mary Mediatrix Medical Center Philippines

Dr. Prof Russell  Dsouza

Dr. Prof Russell Dsouza

Executive Director Global Operations Totem International Institute of Organizational Psychological Medicine

Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta

Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta

Senior Consultant, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Mumbai

Dr. KK Kalra

Dr. KK Kalra

Chief Executive Officer of NABH and Paediatrician with a postgraduate degree from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi