
Managing Insomnia in Smaller Settings- A Discussion with Experts

14th February, 2023
05:30 PM
Managing Insomnia in Smaller Settings- A Discussion with Experts


The American Sleep Disorders Association defines insomnia as "a recurring issue with sleep initiation, duration, consolidation, or quality that persists despite enough time and opportunity for sleep and results in some type of daytime impairment and lasts for at least one month." Inadequate sleep has been linked to deteriorated physical and mental health, even though some people who experience this issue may not recognise it as such. But the challenges arise in management and treatment. So, join us in this session to learn more about how to manage insomnia in smaller settings.


Dr. K Suresh

Dr. K Suresh

Family Physician, Public Health Consultant Bengaluru & Visiting Professor of Practice KSRDRU, Gadag. Karnataka