Dr. Shilpa  Joshi

Dr. Shilpa Joshi

Consultant Dietitian and Diabetes Educator Mumbai Diet and Health Centre

A post-graduate in Microbiology and PG Diploma of Dietetics form SNDT Women�s University at Mumbai. Completed her training from B.Y.L Nair Hospital and T.N Medical College and qualified as an RD-Registered Dietician with the Indian Dietetic Association. National Executive committee of Indian Dietetic Association. Honorary Secretary of All India Association For Advancing Research in Obesity. Currently the Consultant Dietician and Educator at Mumbai. Has about 12 publications in peer reviewed journals and has presented nationally and internationally in meetings. Has authored several Textbook chapters. Has presented at various international meetings including at the American Diabetes Association, International Diabetes Federation and International Confederation of Dietitians. Runners up recipient of Wimpfheimer Guggenheim's International Essay award (2017) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic Foundation on Malnutrition. A certified Insulin Pump Trainer. A visiting faculty to Nirmala Niketan college (Mumbai University) and SVT College of Home Science (SNDT Women�s University) where she teaches clinical nutrition and Dietetics.